October 8th – Class review

This is what we covered in class on October 8th.

In addition to registering online with the Community School, I need a paper registration and activity waiver filled out for each student. If you did not fill one out this week I will have more available to fill out next class.

White Belts – 6:30pm

Tonight we covered class expectations, attendance cards, the commands we use to begin and end class, and a few basic techniques. Your children are responsible for finding and presenting their own attendance cards, please do not get their attendance cards for them.

Commands to begin and end class

We will be beginning and ending class in a traditional fashion using Korean commands. Below are some English interpretations of the Korean pronunciations along with their meanings to help you practice with your children at home.

  • Chariot – Attention
  • Kooky Beret – Salute the flags
  • Barrow – Return
  • Mook Numb – Meditation
  • Barrow – Return
  • Chariot – Attention
  • Sa bum nim kay kun yet – Bow to Master Instructor

Positions, Stances, and Basics

In this section when Korean words appear we will be using the commonly accepted phonetic spellings.

  • Attention Position – “Cha Ryut”

    Standing straight, no moving, hands at your side, feet together, toes touching, focus straight ahead.

  • Ready Position – “Choon Bi” – We didn’t cover this in the first class. It will be covered next week, 1/29.

    Left foot moves, feet shoulder width apart, both hands make fists, brought to the sides of your belt, double punches straight down.

  • Horse Stance

    Left foot moves, feet twice shoulder width apart, knees bent, toes forward, back straight, hands in fists on the hips.

  • How to make a fist

    Roll your fingers, lock your thumbs.


  • Middle Punch

    In Horse Stance, start with left hand, punch from the hip, aim to the solar plexus.

  • Middle Block

    In Horse Stance, start with left hand, “Scoop the ice cream, look at your nails.”

  • Front Snap Kick

    In Fighting Stance, Right Leg behind you, “Bend it, kick it, bend it, back!”

  • Yellow – Purple Belts – 7:10pm

    Tonight we jumped right in with Kicking and the first four moves of Basic Form Number One.

    Kicking – In Fighting Stance, Right Leg First

    • Front Stretch Kick – “Don’t bend your knee!”
    • Inside to Outside Kick – “Paint the rainbow!”
    • Outside to Inside Kick – “High-Five with your foot!”
    • Front Snap Kick – “Bend it, kick it, bend it, back!”
    • Round House Kick – “Turn your toes, turn your hips, lift your leg like a dog peeing on a fence.”

    Basic Form Number One (Kee Cho Hyung Il Boo) – First 4 Moves

    1. “Left Hand to Right Shoulder!”
      “Stinky Sock!” – Look away from your hand, over the left shoulder.
      “The Shoulder that I look over is the Foot that I move.” – We are preparing to step with our left foot.
      “Step Low Block” – Step with your Left Foot, turning so that your body faces the left wall, executing a Left Hand Low Block.
    2. “Step Middle Punch!” – Step with the Right Foot, execute a Right Hand Middle Punch.
    3. “Punch Hand to the Shoulder! – Bring the Right Punching Hand to your Left Shoulder.”
      “Stinky Sock! – Look over your Right Shoulder.”
      “The Shoulder that I look over is the Foot that I move! – Prepare to move your Right Foot.”
      “Turn, Low Block! – Turning over your Right Shoulder, Moving only your Right Foot, Turn to the wall behind you, executing a Low Block with your Right Hand.”
    4. “Step Middle Punch!” – Step with the Left Foot, execute a Left Hand Middle Punch.

    Blue Belts and Up – 7:50pm

    We covered basic kicking and basic forms 1, 2, and 3. With a focus on proper positioning and stances.