Online Martial Arts Program

I’m excited to announce that my good friend Sensei Jame and I are hosting an Online Martial Arts Training Program that you and your kids can take right from the comfort of your living room!
The program is open to students ages 5 and up, both new and old.

Classes are held every Monday and Friday.

Fill out the registration form and select the appropriate time.

The $10 class fee can be paid via Venmo the day of the class, or pay for the entire month in full and you will receive a free 20 minute private lesson with myself or Sensei James.

When it’s time for class click the zoom link to join your class about 15 minutes before it starts.

We can’t wait to see you online in class!

Class Time
     New and Returning White Belts
     Yellow Belts and Orange Belts
     Purple Belts and Up