Master Matt’s Master Plan for Spring 2018!

Hi Everybody!

I’m looking forward to kicking off an exciting jam packed spring session! And boy is it jam packed. During the Winter Session We had 12 classes to cover everything and I thought that wasn’t enough time! The Spring Session is only 8 classes long, and that includes testing and promotion! I’m going to try to get through as much of the material as we can in class and I will not hold the students responsible for techniques that we didn’t go over, but I will be posting the entire curriculum for New Students and Returning White Belts w/ 1 Stripe so that they can practice at home.

White Belts w/ 2 Stripes and Color Belts! I’ve got a plan for you too! This session we’re going to be working on ONE STEP SPARRING! Veteran students will know what that is, but the newer students may not know. We’re going to be learning specific strategies and techniques for dealing with a PUNCH TO THE FACE! That means you’re going to be actually throwing a punch at someone’s face, and someone is going to be throwing a punch at your face! Now, before you get too excited, or nervous, we have a system in place that will make sure that all of this is done safely and in a way that will minimize the chance of actually getting hit.

Finally! TOURNAMENT SEASON is upon us!

The KIDSAFE TOURNAMENT is on Sunday, June 3rd. All students, Yellow Belt and up can participate. Tournament Prep Classes are being held at the Parsippany PAL on Friday nights at 8:20pm, beginning this Friday, April 20th. Depending on demand and timing I may offer a Tournament Prep Class on Monday nights at 8:30pm. I strongly encourage anyone looking to participate in this year’s tournament to attend as many prep classes as possible.