February 5th – Class Review

Here’s what we covered in class on the February 5th.

6:00 pm

We reviewed the following punches and blocks:

Middle Punch Left hand first, Aim for the solar plexus
High Punch Left hand first, Aim for the nose
Low Punch Left hand first, Aim for the knot on your belt
Middle Block Left hand first, Scoop the ice cream, look at your nails
High Block Left hand first, Scoop the ice cream, show your armpit
Low Block Left hand first, Hand to the shoulder, dust the dirt

We learned some new stuff too!

Outside Inside Block Left hand first, Hand to the ear, catch the fly
Front Stretch Kick Right leg first, Don’t bend you knee
Inside Outside Kick Right leg first, Paint the rainbow
Outside Inside Kick Right leg first, High five with your foot
Front Snap Kick Right leg first, Bend it, Kick it, Bend it, Back

6:50 pm

We reviewed the following punches and blocks and kicks:

Middle Punch Left hand first, Aim for the solar plexus
High Punch Left hand first, Aim for the nose
Low Punch Left hand first, Aim for the knot on your belt
Middle Block Left hand first, Scoop the ice cream, look at your nails
High Block Left hand first, Scoop the ice cream, show your armpit
Low Block Left hand first, Hand to the shoulder, dust the dirt
Outside to Inside Block Left hand first, Hand to the ear, catch the fly
Front Stretch Kick Don’t bend your knee
Inside Outside Kick Paint the rainbow
Outside Inside Kick High five your hand
Front Snap Kick Right leg first, Bend it, Kick it, Bend it, Back
Round House Kick Right leg first, Turn your toes, Turn your hips, raise your leg, kick, chamber, back

7:40 pm

We reviewed the following kicks:
Front Stretch Kick
Inside Outside Kick
Outside Inside Kick
Front Snap Kick
Round House Kick

We’ve been working on Self Defense Techniques.
You can find details for each individual rank on the curriculum page.

We also reviewed the Tornado Kicks that Master Sheridan had shown the kids.