February 12th – Class Review

Here’s what we covered in class on the February 12th.

White Belt Classes 6:00pm/6:50pm

Today’s classes were mostly a review day of everything we’ve been working on so far. We have covered all of the primary techniques required for the first half of the session. It is very important that students are practicing at home, either structured or unstructured, at least 5 minutes every day.

Punching – In Horse Stance, Left Hand First

    Middle Punch
    High Punch
    Low Punch

Blocking – In Horse Stance, Left Hand First

    Middle Block – “Scoop the ice cream, look at your nails!”
    High Block – “Scoop the ice cream, show your arm pit!”
    Low Block – “Hand to your shoulder, dust the dirt!”
    Outside to Inside Block – “Hand to your ear, catch the fly!”

Kicking – In Fighting Stance, Right Leg First

    Front Stretch Kick – “Don’t bend your knee!”
    Inside to Outside Kick – “Paint the rainbow!”
    Outside to Inside Kick – “High-Five with your foot!”
    Front Snap Kick – “Bend it, kick it, bend it, back!”
    STEPPING Front Snap Kick – “Bend it, kick it, bend it, STOMP it!”

We ended class with what I had intended to be the primary lesson of the day, STEPPING. We focused primarily on Stepping Front Snap Kick, using the modified secret “Bend it, Kick it, Bend it, Stomp it.” Making sure we leave the kicking leg in front.

We will begin covering stepping with punching, blocking, and kicking next week.

Colored Belt Class – 7:40pm

Yellow/Orange Belts have been introduced to all of their required self defense techniques for their ranks.
Yellow Belts

    Cross Hand Grips 1 – 4

Orange Belts

    Cross Hand Grips 1 – 4
    Same Side Grips 1 – 4

Blue Belts and up have been working on their junior rank material. We will begin covering their required material next week!

Blue Belts

    1 on 1 Grips 1 – 4

Brown Belts

    Knife Self Defense – Forward Stab 1 – 4

Red Belts

    Knife Self Defense – Outside Slice 1 – 4
    Knife Self Defense – Inside Slice 1 – 4
    Knife Self Defense – Downward Stab 1 – 4
    Knife Self Defense – Upward Stab 1 – 4

Brown and Red Belts should come to class prepared with their Martial Arts and Crafts knives.