Fall Session Starts October 8th!

I’m excited to FINALLY announce the start of our Fall 2018 Session! You will need to register online with The Fair Lawn community School We start Monday, October 8th. We’ll be meeting in the H.B. Milnes School Gym located at: 8-01 Philip St, Fair…

Fall Session 2018 Update

There are a few last details to be worked out but we’ll be back in action soon!

July Update

Classes are done for the Summer. I’ll be back at the American Legion in September, but in the meantime come visit me on Friday nights at the Parsippany PAL.

Date Correction

Hi everyone! The flyer I handed out during registration day had an incorrect date listed for promotion. The correct date should read: Monday June 18th Promotion Day, 6:50pm for EVERYONE You can download a corrected copy of the flyer here.